Comprehensive Child Development Program (CCDP), 1990-1996 (ICPSR 4711)
Version Date: Dec 16, 2010 View help for published
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United States Department of Health and Human Services. Administration for Children and Families. Head Start Bureau
Version V2
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The Comprehensive Child Development Program (CCDP) was implemented as a result of the Comprehensive Child Development Act (Public Law [PL] 100-297), originally enacted by Congress in 1988 in an effort to increase the educational potential of young children from low-income families and to decrease the likelihood that they would be caught in the cycle of poverty. The CCDP was designed to provide intensive, comprehensive, integrated, and continuous support services for children from low-income families from birth, or before, through their entrance into elementary school, to enhance their intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development. Additionally, the CCDP was designed to offer support services for parents and other household family members to enhance their life management skills and economic self-sufficiency. The Comprehensive Child Development Act also mandated that programs collect data on the individuals and geographic areas served, including the types of services provided, the estimated costs of providing comprehensive services, the types and nature of conditions and needs identified and met, and other information that may be required.
Thus, there are two components of the CCDP data collection: the Evaluation of the Comprehensive Child Development Program and the Comprehensive Child Development Program Management Information System (MIS). The families in the MIS included all CCDP families in the CCDP evaluation and all families who replaced CCDP families that dropped out of the study any time during the demonstration. More than 4,000 families participated in the CCDP study. Those that were selected were randomly assigned to either an experimental or control group.
Evaluation Data
The CCDP evaluation data are taken from parental self-report and child assessments and consist of 25 data files that can be grouped into several broad categories. Some of the data files are longitudinal in nature, that is, there are multiple observations (e.g., interviews and tests) for each family or child. Other files, however, are at the family or child level, and they contain data describing outcomes at the end of the study. The categories covered in the CCDP evaluation data files include:
- Baseline Data -- contain information from recruitment and enrollment forms on background and demographic characteristics, information on focus child birth outcomes, and the mother's behavior during the prenatal period.
- Parent/Family Data -- contain information about household composition and stability, economic self-sufficiency, maternal physical and psychological health, parenting, coping and life skills, early childhood services, health care services, and case management.
- Child Status Data -- are comprised of information related to child health status. This includes topics such as hospitalization, health problems, special health needs, learning problems, and health maintenance.
- Assessments of Child Social-Emotional Development -- contain information about adaptive and presocial behaviors for two, three, and four-year-olds, the prevalence of behavioral and emotional problems for such children, and adaptive social behavior for the five-year-olds.
- Assessments of Child Cognitive Development -- information on children's cognitive development at age two, and children's receptive vocabulary cognitive development (mental processing and achievement) at age three, four, and five.
- Parenting Measures -- are comprised of information about parenting attitudes and beliefs, the home environment for 18-, 36-, and 48-months-old children, parent-child interactions, birth-level data on risk behaviors during pregnancy, and birth outcomes for children.
- Economic Self-Sufficiency Measures -- provide information about employment, income, dependence on public assistance, and steps to employment.
Management Information System Data
For research and monitoring purposes, the CCDP mandated that all contacts and services must be recorded and entered into the management information system (MIS). The MIS was designed to monitor the nature and number of services received by families participating in each of the CCDP projects. The MIS contains both qualitative and quantitative data for CCDP families at all of the 24 project sites. MIS data is composed of 23 data collection forms spanning 4 broad categories: (1) CCDP grantee administration, (2) CCDP program descriptions, (3) CCDP family characteristics and service plans, and (4) CCDP services utilization. MIS data include information about CCDP family goals, service utilization, and program and staff characteristics.
The CCDP MIS was the primary source of the quantitative data used in the CCDP evaluation. Supplemental MIS verification data was a secondary source of qualitative information. The CCDP also collected qualitative data in the form of ethnographer reports that provide information about program characteristics, operations, implementation, service delivery, program attrition, diversity among families, and family satisfaction. Sixteen ethnographer reports were produced for each of the 24 project sites.
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This data collection may not be used for any purpose other than statistical reporting and analysis. Use of these data to learn the identity of any person or establishment is prohibited. To protect respondent privacy, the CCDP data are restricted from general dissemination. Access to parts of this study requires a signed User Agreement. To obtain the file(s), researchers must agree to the terms and conditions of the Restricted Data Use Agreement, found via ICPSR's online Restricted Data Contracting System, by clicking the "apply online for access to the data" link above.
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The CCDP evaluation was conducted by Abt Associates. The CCDP MIS was developed and conducted by CSR, Inc.
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To be eligible to participate in the program, families had to: (1) receive income below the Federal Poverty Income guidelines, (2) include a pregnant woman or include a child under age one, and (3) agree to participate in CCDP for five years. In all, 4,410 families were assigned randomly to either the CCDP group or the comparison group in 21 of the 24 project sites. The final analytic sample consists of 3,961 families that were interviewed or tested at least once. The MIS includes 3,970 CCDP families at all 24 of the project sites. The families in the MIS include all CCDP families in the evaluation and all families who replaced CCDP families who dropped out of the evaluation.
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Families who participated in the Comprehensive Child Development Program (CCDP) projects throughout 24 community-based program sites.
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- United States Department of Health and Human Services. Administration for Children and Families. Head Start Bureau. Comprehensive Child Development Program (CCDP), 1990-1996. ICPSR04711-v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2010-02-05.
2010-12-16 The Restricted Data Use Agreement has been updated.
2010-02-05 The Restricted Data Use Agreement was updated.
2009-05-27 The Restricted Data Use Agreement has been added.
2009-05-13 ICPSR data undergo a confidentiality review and are altered when necessary to limit the risk of disclosure. ICPSR also routinely creates ready-to-go data files along with setups in the major statistical software formats as well as standard codebooks to accompany the data. In addition to these procedures, ICPSR performed the following processing steps for this data collection:
- Performed consistency checks.
- Created variable labels and/or value labels.
The public-use data files in this collection are available for access by the general public. Access does not require affiliation with an ICPSR member institution.
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